Wednesday, 10 March 2010

Storyboard/Shot list

Here are the five sheets of our film opening storyboard.

Sheet 1:

This explains the start of our opening from the victim beginning to be followed up until she starts becoming suspicious of her stalker.
We achieved this sequence via several long shots and and over the shoulder shot.
We used a vast majority of long shots to introduce the characters and cause the audience to be instantly suspicious of the killer, much like the victim was.
The over the shoulder shot used gives the audience a view of the prop the victim is holding, the MP4 helps to reflect modern day and represent the character as a typical teenager.

Sheet 2:

This sheet demonstrates the start of the prolonged chase scene up until the beginning of the wooded area. The killer and victim eventually run down separate paths, the victim to escape, the killer to try and catch up.
We achieved this sequence again via several long shots, however we began to incorporate more interesting shots and angles, for example a close up shot with a tilted frame and a low angle tracking shot.
We used the tilted frame to represent the scene as not usual, the close up was used to focus on the prop (MP4) the victim had dropped.
The low angle shot was used for the killer to dipict him as the dominant character in the opening.
Long shots were used this time round to show where the characters were running to so as the audience did not get completely confused by the constant running around.

Sheet 3:

This sheet demonstrates the killer overtaking the victim and hiding behind a tree waiting for them to pass, it also includes two credit slides to start introducing the characters with.
Upon this storyboard less long shots are used because the audience has already met the characters and has worked out the setting they are in. Instead we used a point of view shot (from the killer's point of view) to give the idea he was running to hide behind a tree, we also used it once the killer begins to chase the victim again; to emphasise how close he is to catching upto her.
An over the shoulder shot, which eventually pans round, demonstrates the killer is watching the victim and gives a quite intimidating feeling because we cannot see the killer's face.

Sheet 4:

This sheet demonstrates several running scenes using a range of camera shots and angles.
In this instance we used mainly medium shots of the legs of the victim followed by the killer, the aim of this was to insinuate more of a frantic chase scene.

Sheet 5:

This sheet demonstrates the finale of the narrative. A wide range of camera angles have been used at this period as we would like to create as much tension as possible by using unordinary shots. E.g. Slow motion shot of the trainers.

Shot List:

1. Long shot - Victim is walking through an alleyway.
2. Long shot
3. Over the shoulder - Victim begins to change the song she is listening to.
4. Long shot - Victim looks over her shoulder.
5. Long shot - Killer walks around the corner and begins following the victim.
6. Very long shot - Victim and killer are shown walking out of the alleyway.
7. Long shot - Victim is shown walking down a road.
8. Long shot -Victim begins to run whilst being chased by the killer.
9. Long shot
10. Close up/tilted frame - Victim throws her MP3 onto the ground.
11. Long shot/tilted frame - Victim and killer run off into the distance.
12. Long shot - Victim and killer are shown running.
13. Long shot - Victim runs in the right direction.
14. Long shot - The killer runs to the left.
15. Low angle/tracking - The killer shown with the camera aimed at his face.
16. Long shot - Killer is shown running down steps.
17. Point of view - Killer runs behind tree.
18. Long shot - Victim is shown running round the corner.
19. Credit "starring"
20. Over the shoulder - Killer is shown watching the victim.
21. Over the shoulder/panning - Killer is shown watching the victim.
22. Credit "James Austin"
23. Long shot
24. Point of view
25. Point of view
26. Medium close up
27. Medium close up
28. Credits "Jodie Randle"
29. Point of view
30. Medium panning - Victims is shown to run around the corner and begin running up the steps.
31. Long shot - Victim is shown running up the steps.
32. Long shot - Victim is shown running up the steps.
33. Medium long shot - Victim is shown running up the steps.
34. Extreme close up - Killers shoes are shown.
35. Low angle long shot -Victim is shown to reach the gate.
36. High angle close up - The victim is shown looking through the fence.
37. Point of view - Victim watches and the killer swings the shuvel into her face.
38. Reverse all shots - Shots are shown in reverse order.
39. Credit "Title"

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